3 Reasons to Convert to a Ductless Mini-Split in Golden, CO

Ductless Mini-Split in Golden, CO

If your traditional HVAC system has reached the end of its useful life and you find yourself installing a new system in your Golden, CO, home, there are plenty of options out there for you. One of these includes converting your cooling and heating system from a traditional HVAC to a ductless mini-split system. A ductless mini-split is worth considering for your home because of the following benefits associated with it.

1. Increased Control Through Zoning

Ductless mini-splits give you greater control over the temperature in different areas of your home. This allows each member of your household to be comfortable without inconveniencing anyone else in the house. Being able to set different rooms or zones of your home at different temperatures gives you greater control over your entire home’s heating and cooling.

2. Increased Energy Efficiency

A traditional HVAC system heats and cools your entire home evenly. While that sounds like a great thing, the fact remains that you often waste electricity heating and cooling areas of your home that no one is using. Having a ductless mini-split installed in your home ensures that your energy usage focuses on the areas of your home that you and other household members use.

3. Less Noise

The newest ductless mini-splits on the market operate in nearly total silence. A traditional HVAC system can be quite loud, especially if anything is wrong with it. In contrast, ductless mini-splits provide quiet operation, meaning you can quietly enjoy your increased comfort.

Regardless of what type of HVAC system you choose for your home, our team of installers and service technicians know how to install, maintain, and repair them. Call us today at Vectra Mechanical HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing to find out about our ductless mini-split options and all the rest of our heating and cooling services.

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